Coffee consultancy & one on one coaching

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Career paths in the company and online consulting

I am an accredited Trainer at the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) in green coffee, sensory skills, and roasting.
I obtained the Q Arabica Grader certification in 2017, and I practice the activity of highly qualified coffee taster using SCA standards and cupping procedures.

From 2022 I’m certified Q Processing level 2; I learned the main methods of post-harvest processing of coffee (washing, natural and honey) in order to be able to apply a system of Quality Assurance using good processing practices to maintain consistent quality.

I constantly attend courses and seminars, continuing my in-depth studies and at the same time
continuing to conduct consulting activities for roasters and manufacturers of roasting machines.



After graduating in economics and business at the University of Verona, I conducted business activities in the commercial field in Germany for several years. I have been working in the world of coffee for 20 years, initially dealing with marketing coffee under my own brand, produced by Italian roasters. At the same time, I developed the need to know and study in depth the specific technical characteristics of the “coffee” product.

For some years since 2003, I have conducted a fruitful consulting collaboration at a roasting company, deepening the various phases of bean processing, tasting, selection of green coffee and composition of blends.

In 2007, 2008 and 2009 I worked as a micro roaster in collaboration with a renowned chocolatier.

Since 2010, I have continued the consulting activity at the roasting companies, also conducting tasting and training activities for panels of tasters.

Since 2012, I have also been involved in teaching, also conducting activities as an accredited Trainer at SCA since 2014 in green coffee, tasting and roasting.

In 2014, 2015 and 2016, I held the role of organizing manager for the Italian coffee roasting championship, valid for the World Coffee Roasting Championship.

In 2017, I obtained the certification issued by the Coffee Quality Institute as Q Arabica Grader and in 2022 that of Q Processing Grader level 2 directly on the plantation.

To date, I conduct consulting and training activities for roasters, coffee companies and roasting machine manufacturers, as a coffee taster and expert and Master Roaster with the qualification of SCA accredited Authorised Trainer.


Why and how to train

Staff training is a strategic function for a company’s success.
In a context in which emergence is progressively more difficult but increasingly necessary, training human resources is one of the most effective methods to make a difference.

The daily challenges today require us to rethink the concept of training, which must be continuous, relying on authoritative and experienced teachers. The risk of transgressing these two principles is to fall behind or to waste time and money behind trainers with little professionalism behind them.

How I can help you

I offer twenty years of experience to transfer knowledge, motivate and accompany staff in quality control processes to ensure for the company the highest quality standards, in the fields of green coffee, roasting, tasting and sensory analysis.


My activity is closely linked and interconnected with the research and development phases that are fundamental today in the creation of a product calibrated to compete in the coffee market.
I personally take care of consulting in the raw coffee procurement process; I have also developed high skills in the tasting phases, coffee evaluation and in  production chain techniques.
Creating the blends, using coffee roasting technology (roasting), following the packaging phases, all require a deep knowledge of the sector.
Working on portioned coffee, for example, responds to specific logics and in part, different from those of ground and grain coffees.
Thanks to my long experience, I have developed excellent skills in teamwork and collaboration with other professionals who contribute to creation and marketing of the final product. I also work in synergy with the marketing department, for the launch of products and organizing coffee tasting sessions for customers and/or for the press.
And then there are daily contacts with production and the product and quality development team. Dealing with a medium-small roaster, for whom there is a need to develop an ad hoc mixture is, of course, different from interfacing with a supermarket chain that wants to develop its own line .However, both in the case of a private label and in that of a mass market, the constancy and control of quality parameters must be guaranteed.

My approach is based on this approach: consulting in contact with the company, with your machines, with your tools, immersed in your everyday practice to facilitate and improve work.

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